Business and Finance

Forgot my Fidelity Bank Mobile App and Internet Banking Password and Pin – How to Reset, Change, and Recover Fidelity Bank Mobile App and Internet Banking Password and Pin

Forgetting passwords and PINs can be a common occurrence, especially in the digital age where multiple accounts require secure access. This comprehensive guide aims to assist users in navigating the process of resetting, changing, and recovering their Fidelity Bank Mobile app and Internet banking credentials. By synthesizing information from various sources, we provide a step-by-step approach to ensure a seamless experience.

How To Reset Your Fidelity Bank Mobile App and Internet Banking Password

To initiate the password reset process:

  1. Access the Fidelity Mobile App or visit the Internet Banking website.
  2. Click on the “Forgot Password” option.
  3. Enter your registered mobile number or email address.
  4. Verify your identity by entering the One-Time Password (OTP) sent to your registered contact.
  5. Set a new password following the specified requirements.
  6. Confirm the new password and save the changes.
  7. Log in using the newly set password.

How To Change Your Fidelity Bank Mobile App and Internet Banking Password

If you wish to change your password for added security:

  1. Log in to your Fidelity Mobile App or Internet Banking.
  2. Navigate to the settings or profile section.
  3. Look for the “Change Password” option.
  4. Provide your current password and then enter your desired new password.
  5. Ensure the new password meets the specified requirements.
  6. Confirm the new password and save the changes.
  7. Log in again using the updated credentials to verify the change.

How Recover Your Fidelity Bank Mobile App and Internet Banking Password

In the event of forgetting your password, follow these steps to recover it:

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  1. Open the Fidelity Mobile App or visit the Internet Banking website.
  2. Tap on the “Forgot Password” option.
  3. Provide your registered mobile number or email address.
  4. Verify your identity through security questions or additional verification details.
  5. Set a new password adhering to the specified requirements.
  6. Confirm the new password and save the changes.
  7. Log in using the newly set password to regain access to your account.

How To Reset Your Fidelity Bank Mobile App and Internet Banking PIN

To reset your PIN, consider the following options:

  1. Contact Fidelity Bank customer care for assistance.
  2. Visit a nearby branch for in-person support.
  3. Utilize the self-service option by logging into your account via the app or Internet banking.
  4. Navigate to your profile section, locate the PIN option, and follow the prompts to reset.

Best Practices for Password and PIN Management

  1. Create strong, unique passwords and PINs that combine letters, numbers, and special characters.
  2. Avoid using easily guessable information such as birthdays or sequential numbers.
  3. Regularly update passwords and PINs to mitigate the risk of unauthorized access.
  4. Store passwords securely or consider using reputable password management tools.
  5. Enable two-factor authentication for an additional layer of security.


How do I unlock my Fidelity mobile banking?

To unlock your Fidelity mobile banking:

  • Visit the Google Play Store to download the Fidelity Bank mobile app.
  • Install and launch the app.
  • Log in with your credentials.
  • Navigate to ‘Account Services’ or ‘Card Management.’
  • Follow the instructions to unblock your account or card.

How do I reset my Fidelity mobile app password?

To reset your Fidelity mobile app password, initiate a password reset using the “forgot password” option within the app. Alternatively, visit the nearest Fidelity bank branch or contact Trueserve via our 24/7 helplines 070034335489 or 09087989069 for assistance.

What is “failed to authenticate user fidgroup/’customer’s username’, challenge not found?”

This error message indicates a challenge with user authentication. It may occur due to incorrect credentials or technical issues. Ensure you are entering the correct username and password. If the issue persists, contact Fidelity Bank customer support for further assistance.

What is the new code for Fidelity bank USSD?

For Fidelity Bank’s USSD services, use the base code *770# to simplify banking tasks such as checking your account balance by dialing *770*0#, or transferring money by dialing *770*Recipient’s Account Number*Amount#.

How do I chat with Fidelity Bank on WhatsApp?

You can chat with Fidelity Bank on WhatsApp by saving the number 0903 000 5252 as TrueServe and initiating a conversation. Additionally, you can chat with IVY by saving the number 0903 000 0302.

How do I find my Fidelity account number via SMS?

To find your Fidelity account number via SMS, dial *770*0# using the phone number linked to your account. Your account number will be displayed on your screen.

Why is my Fidelity Bank app not working?

Your Fidelity Bank app may not be working due to various reasons. Ensure the app is up to date, check your internet connection, switch between Wi-Fi and mobile data, and ensure your device’s operating system meets the app’s requirements.

How do I check my Fidelity account on my phone?

You can check your Fidelity account balance on your phone using the *770# Instant Banking platform. Simply dial *770# and follow the prompts to access your account information.

How do I unlock my Fidelity instant banking?

To unlock your Fidelity instant banking, dial *770*911# from the phone number linked to your Fidelity Bank account. Select option 2 to unblock your USSD code and follow the prompts to complete the process.

What is the Fidelity online banking app?

The Fidelity online banking app is a secure and userfriendly mobile application available for download on the App Store or Google Play. It enables users to perform transactions, manage bank accounts, and receive InApp messages on new features, quick tips, and promotional offers. The app supports various services, including bill payments for DSTV, GoTV, PHCN, mobile postpaid bills, SWIFT, Smile, and more.

How do I block my Fidelity account from another phone?

To block your Fidelity account from another phone, dial *770*YourNumber# from the alternate phone. This USSD code allows you to secure your account swiftly and efficiently.

How do I start a USSD code with Fidelity

To initiate a USSD code with Fidelity, open an account by dialing *770*01#. Follow the 8 simple steps, including selecting the account opening option, entering personal details like name, gender, and date of birth, and confirming the information to successfully open an account with Fidelity.


This comprehensive guide has equipped users with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the process of resetting, changing, and recovering their Fidelity Bank Mobile app and Internet banking credentials with confidence. By following the outlined steps and adopting best practices for password and PIN management, users can safeguard their financial information effectively. Remember, proactive measures in password and PIN management contribute significantly to overall account security and peace of mind.

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