
How to Close, Delete or Deactivate your Easemoni Account Easily

Easemoni, a popular loan app, offers a convenient way for individuals to access financial solutions quickly. However, circumstances may arise where users decide to close, delete, or deactivate their Easemoni accounts. This comprehensive guide will provide detailed steps and insights into the process, taking into account information from multiple sources.

Reasons for Closing Easemoni Account

Before diving into the closure process, it’s essential to understand why individuals choose to close their Easemoni accounts. Financial stability, dissatisfaction with services, and the availability of better alternatives are among the key factors.

  1. Financial Stability:
    • Users may decide to close their Easemoni accounts when they achieve financial stability, indicating they no longer require additional funds.
    • The platform initially serves as a solution for those in need, and once financial stability is attained, users may choose to terminate their accounts.
  2. Services Dissatisfaction:
    • Dissatisfaction with Easemoni’s services, including poor customer support, repayment difficulties, or unfavorable loan terms, can drive users to close their accounts.
    • If users feel their needs are not met or encounter unresolved issues, they may seek alternative financial solutions.
  3. Better Alternatives:
    • The evolving landscape of financial technology may introduce new loan apps and services with more attractive features, better terms, or improved user experiences.
    • Users exploring alternatives that better suit their needs may opt to close their Easemoni accounts and migrate to these alternatives.

How to Close, Delete or Deactivate your Easemoni Account Easily

Now, let’s delve into the detailed steps on how to close, delete, or deactivate your Easemoni account based on the information from the provided sources:

  1. Transfer Your Funds Out:
    • Begin by transferring all available funds in your Easemoni account to another account to avoid potential retention by Easemoni.
    • Easemoni may reserve the right to keep funds if the account is closed with a balance, so it’s crucial to transfer any remaining funds.
  2. Clear Your Loan Debt:
    • Ensure all outstanding loans are cleared before attempting to close your Easemoni account.
    • Failure to repay loans may hinder the closure process, as the platform conducts checks and may block closure for users with outstanding debts.
  3. Go To Email:
    • Utilize email as a fast and effective means to reach Easemoni customer service.
    • Address your email to the provided customer service email address: “[email protected].”
  4. Enter Subject And Compose Text:
    • Clearly state your desire to close the account in the subject line, using phrases like “Request To Close My Easemoni Account” or similar.
    • In the email body, include your full name, registered phone number, registered email address, and the reason for closing the account.
  5. Wait For A Reply:
    • After sending the email, patiently wait for a response from Easemoni.
    • The reply will provide instructions for the closure process or confirm that the request is being processed, along with an estimated timeframe.
  6. Follow The Process:
    • If no progress is observed after waiting, consider contacting Easemoni through other customer service channels to inquire about the status of your account closure.
    • Be proactive in ensuring your request is acknowledged and processed in a timely manner.


How do I remove my information from the loan app?

To safeguard your privacy, navigate to your phone settings, access app permissions, select the specific loan app, and revoke all granted permissions. By doing this, the app will lose access to sensitive data like images, phone numbers, and email addresses, enhancing the protection of your information.

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Can loan apps block your BVN?

No, loan apps cannot block your BVN. However, if you fail to repay a loan, your identity may be reported to the National Credit Bureau, affecting your credit history.

What will happen if I don’t pay my Easybuy loan?

Non-payment of an Easybuy loan may lead to device lock after a prolonged default period. Easybuy agents are available to assist with repayment, and paying before the due date is advisable.

Which bank owns EaseMoni?

EaseMoni is owned by BlueRidge Microfinance Limited, a reputable institution according to public surveys and analysis. It is recognized as a legitimate and trustworthy loan platform.

Is Easemoni approved by CBN?

Yes, Easemoni is approved by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) and holds a microfinance banking license. This accreditation ensures that the platform operates within regulatory frameworks, providing users with a reliable and legitimate source for instant personal cash loans.

What happens if I don’t pay my Easemoni loan?

If you fail to repay your Easemoni loan by the due date, a rollover fee may apply. This fee is incurred when the loan is automatically extended for a specified period, allowing users additional time for repayment.

What is the loan limit for EaseMoni?

According to the EaseMoni Loan Online Service on Facebook, the platform claims to offer loans of up to N1 million to Nigerians. Interested users can access this amount without stress and at a reasonable interest rate, as stated in the provided information.

How do I pay back my EaseMoni loan?

Repaying your EaseMoni loan is convenient and offers two options. Firstly, the due amount will be automatically debited from your bank card on the repayment date. Ensure your card has sufficient balance beforehand. Alternatively, you can use the EaseMoni app by clicking the “Repay” button, providing users with flexibility in choosing a repayment method.

Who is the owner of EaseMoni?

The owner of EaseMoni is Blueridge Microfinance Bank Limited. This microfinance bank is a reputable institution and is responsible for operating popular micro-lending apps like EaseMoni and OKash, emphasizing its commitment to serving customers effectively.

Can I open another BVN with another number?

It is not possible to have two BVN numbers. BVN is centrally managed by a department under the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) and is linked to all your bank accounts. Diamond bank or any other institution cannot create a new BVN for you, as BVN is a biometric registration linked to your fingerprints and facial features, ensuring a secure and centralized identification system.


Closing, deleting, or deactivating your Easemoni account involves a series of well-defined steps. Financial stability, services dissatisfaction, and the presence of better alternatives are common reasons individuals choose to terminate their accounts. By following the outlined steps and understanding the reasons behind such decisions, users can navigate the closure process effectively. It’s crucial to transfer funds, clear debts, use email for communication, and be patient while waiting for responses. In the dynamic landscape of financial technology, users may explore various platforms to find solutions that best align with their needs and preferences.

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